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Roof Mounted System

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The Lightpipe™ is an innovative technology for daylight transportation and Energy efficiency in buildings. It has a Sunlight capture system(Light collector), light transfer pipe and double glazed light diffuser. The entire system can deliver light into building spaces for length of 12 meters. “To Successfully daylight a space, the day lighting system should optimize sunlight collection to given climatic region. Sunlight collection system designed for certain regions are Not effective for other climatic regions.” Skyshade provides optimized design for light collection systems specific to regions. The Lightpipe solar lighting system delivers clean light energy into building spaces giving a feel of well-being and saving electrical energy for lighting during Daytime. It delivers sunlight without any color shift.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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Air Ventilator, Anshu Prismatic Skylight, Day Glc, Day Ids, Fabric Building Facades, Fabric Stretch Ceiling, Led Lighting, Mesh Fabric Hdpe, Norikooltm Advanced Daylighting System Design Patented, Norikooltm Fixed Skylights, Polycarbonate Facade, Products, Roof Mounted System, Skyshelves, Stretch Ceilings, Tensile Membrane Structure, Wall Mounted System